Section: Dissemination
Marc Lavielle developed the learning platform Statistics in Action . The purpose of this online learning platform is to show how statistics (and biostatistics) may be efficiently used in practice using R. It is specifically geared towards teaching statistical modelling concepts and applications for self-study. Indeed, most of the available teaching material tends to be quite "static" while statistical modelling is very much subject to "learning by doing”.
Julie Josse participated in the jury of the "Speed data scientist" competition organized by Animath and the Société Générale. The students worked on anomaly detection: they have to identify the days of malfunctioning of the web application. They had to figure out how to anticipate breakdowns.
Julie Josse presented "How to manage missing data in R" at the meetup Rladies Paris. This meeting was associated with the Rforwards initiative, which aims to develop women's participation in the R community.
Marc Lavielle participated to the Jeudis de la recherche de l'X on June 29th dedicated to “Health challenge: tools for tomorrow's medicine”.